Archive | April, 2011

A Sad Lost!- 2 Chickens Down In One Day

22 Apr

A Sad Lost!- 2 Chickens Down In One Day

Sadly we had to say good bye to 2 of out Chicken this week!

Ethel the brave, who was Sue’s little favourite. Ethel was an ex-battery hen who came to us nearly featherless in May 2010.

From The 'Ladies' settling in!

Ethel died after having a great year of free range freedom at her new home; her feathers grew back to look like any other chicken!

From The Ladies – Nov 2010

Peggy was one of the latest adopted chickens, she had a full life of free range freedom and enjoyed the last months in her new adopted home.

They both had to be put down by the vet due to them being very ill.